Michele Giambonini - Guest RSI - Saturday, 13.03.2021

News| News| | Fiabci Suisse | INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT | Fédération Internationale des Administrateurs de Biens Conseils Immobiliers

THEY TOLD ME NOW 11.00-12.00

I will be guest at the Swiss radio program named "Moby Dick", Theme is "Sea and mankind". I will speak about effects of the sea to the built environment, I will also introduce FIABCI and the cooperation with UNO and the role of built environment for maintaining of peace. I will report on Jakarta and the searising. In gegenral one other theme is what are doing national and international organization for lowering pollution, I may say about Greencity in Zürich.

This is the link of the radio for live listening on internet

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