Find out here how you can join the FIABCI.
All private individuals, companies and institutions active in the real estate sector can become members.
There are the following membership categories:
Ordinary members Individuals who exercise a real estate profession, annual fee: CHF 490.00 (members up to the age of 35 = CHF 300.00)
Other membership categories: Please ask at our General Secretariat.
How do I become a member?
Please sign and complete the application form (download below) and send it to our General Secretariat.
Become part of a traditional business club in the international real estate industry. - We connect people" Register today:
fax your membership application to the General Secretariat +41 26 350 33 03
After careful consideration by the FIABCI-SUISSE Board, we look forward to welcoming you soon to the exclusive FIABCI Community. If you have any questions about the association, please do not hesitate to Please contact us!
Application for admission DE / Application for admission FR
for full members.
c/o Union Patronale du
Canton de Fribourg
P.O. Box 592
1701 Fribourg